Discover the wonders hidden in the treasures of the Earth!
Everyone has paused to ask the question, Who am I, and what is the meaning of life? Without knowledge of his identity, man lives in a constant battle for sobriety. These deep questions are not quieted by earthly achievements, and their demands create unrest in the soul.
Secrets of the Earth Revealed, is a compelling nonfiction narrative which answers the tough questions of man’s heart. It relieves the mind of the fears of the spiritual unknown by providing concrete proof that God is real, and most of all, evidence that man was alive before being born on the Earth.
Welcome to my world!
I have been studying the pages of the Bible for more than 25 years, searching for the hidden clues to the meaning of life. If God exists and His words are true, there must be proof of His existence. Man lives in a world where seeing is believing, The creator must have left evidence of Himself, somewhere. My study has led to conclusive answers that will satisfy the nagging questions of humanity.
As a deep thinker, I often place my thoughts on paper. Those papers have lead to plays, poems, songs, teachings, seminars, radio drama, television interviews, and books. My next assignment will be to publish a children’s book titled, The Acorn Dance. And the dance with words go on, and on.

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Happy Customers Testimonials
I absolutely loved the books! Her storytelling is captivating and her attention to detail is remarkable. I highly recommend her work to all book lovers out there.
Jacqueline's books are a must-read! The depth of emotions and the raw honesty in her writing truly resonated with me. I couldn't put the books down!
Customer Feedback Section
Secrets of the Earth Revealed
Finally, there is tangible proof that God exists; proof that satisfies even the worst skeptic. This thought provoking, narrative nonfiction, takes the reader through the pages of time, before the beginning, to answer the questions that bring peace to the soul. Every disease has its cure, every star has a name, light has a source, and man–where did he come from?

Blood the Currency of the Spirit World
There is a bounty on the head of every man, an asking price that must be paid. Without payment, man becomes tangled in the weeds of life, never breaking free to pursue the dream of his heart or his purpose. One man stepped forward to pay the debt, and now there is an answer, a paid in full answer to free man from the plagues of darkness. Somewhere out there exists a God who can rectify and restore, who can truly make crooked places straight, who can repair the breach, who can make all things work together for good; if we choose to love Him. By its definition, religion is the way that is right where the end should not be destruction. That is the reason God never offers Himself to man as religion; God offers Himself as a Father. Father means, there is a personal deal between God and His children, and the treasures of love that He offers will heal and perfect the heart.