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Secrets of the Earth Revealed

Chapter 1

                         The Sacrifice

The peaceful bliss of Heaven was perfectly disrupted: the ambience, the splendor–nothing remained the same. One-third of the angels, along with their leader, were booted out on the grounds of treachery, but Satan refused to accept defeat. His blood was churning with the lava of revenge as he claimed ownership of everyone who did not fight in the battle. He wanted the third of the angels who did not enlist in the war to also be labeled traitors. In so doing, they too would be kicked out of Heaven to feel the pangs of separation from God.

Satan knew that the most valuable possession of God is His created being. He saw the pain in God’s heart as he fought for God’s throne, but he would not rest until he ripped God’s heart open with his knife of jealousy. He did not get the throne, but it was possible that he could argue for God to kick out those who did not defend Him. There was still more damage to be done. He must make the case to steal, then kill and destroy any created being who did not join him in the fight against God, so they too would join him in the flames of eternal hell.

From clear across the abyss, he began to yell with his nauseating fumes of venom. “If they did not fight for You, why do You think they love You? It is only a matter of time before they rise up, just as I did, and overthrow Your weakness. You think You are being kind and just, but that is Your weakness. No one wants that–we are indestructible, we are strong, we don’t need Your weakness. They belong to me; we are cut from the same cloth, and we hate You. If You don’t believe me, put them to the test. God, put them to the test. Give them the chance to prove that they are dedicated to You.”

“Some God You are, and that Son You have chosen, He is just like them. He stood by and watched as Michael almost got slaughtered by my sword. He deserves to die. Your kingdom is full of a bunch of no-good, weak, spineless betrayers. All You have to do is put them to the test. Don’t take my word for it, put them to the test. If they love You, they will pass the test.”

“By the way, pull your protection. I don’t have your protection, and my generals do not have Your protection. Why should they? Make it a fair fight; make it fair, YWHY. The only thing You can give them in this fight is knowledge. You can only tell them that You exist, then let them choose. I will show them my hand, my power, my ability to give them all their little hearts desire, and every one of them will hate your guts.”

“You weak image of a God. Your Kingdom is worth nothing. No one loves You, we will all curse You to Your face and willingly go to Hell. You are worth nothing, and I will prove it. I will tell them how horrible You are. I will tell them that all You represent are lies and pain. I will take what You have done to me and plaster it all over Your stainless image. When I am done, You will be sorry You did not choose me to become Your Only Begotten Son.”

“From this day on, you will be called Satan the Accuser; and just as you have described your evil intentions, you will be called Devil. I will entertain your offer; it seems reasonable. Here are the terms. You will retain your beauty; I have given that to you as a gift and I will not take it from you. You will also retain your gift of musical ingenuity and your given Heavenly name, Lucifer. I will create a place for this which you have proposed to play out, and I will give you a season to prove your theory. I will call the place Earth, and I will call the season Time.”

“The knowledge I will give to My children on the Earth will be limited to My existence and My love. I will remove their spiritual abilities and make them subjects of the Earth who cannot enter Heaven in their physical form. In the Earth, they too will have a season or a limited time to remain in it. This will be the number of days they are given to make the choice of where they will spend their eternal life.”

“Gabriel, take notes, please. We will design a trail of secured written information for My sons to read while on Earth. We will call this written information The Word. As they look upon The Word, it will enter into their souls and they will know the entire truth deep within their hearts. The truth will set them free from the grip of the Devil and will be the entryway back to Heaven. Those who do not pursue The Word will live life from the highs and lows of their emotions. Some will choose to lift their eyes and look upon and become The Word; they will live life with purpose.”

“Father, Father, please, this is an unpredictable deal. We could lose all our brethren. Please, give me permission to shut the mouth of this filthy dragon. I promise, You will never hear the scorn of his disrespect again.” Michael was on alert, standing beside the Lord, his sword drawn, waiting for the signal to attack the beast. Wasn’t it enough that the evil had desecrated the Father’s throne? Wasn’t that enough? As God’s Warrior General, it was his privilege to protect the Father, the Son, and all of Heaven. He was the tallest and strongest of them all, head to shoulder taller than all. That was a gift for which he was thankful, and he showed his gratitude through his fierce defense of God. “I am at Your command, Most High. Let me finish him off, let me remove his existence completely. He does not deserve to exist. Father, my troops are ready, we will defend Your honor, and we will not perish.”

“This will be his only redemption, and My children who did not fight will prove their love. I will allow it.”

“We submit to You my God, with all our hearts. Show us the plan.” Michael stepped back, bowing to the Lord.

“My children will enter the Earth without any knowledge of the joys of Heaven or who I Am. I will only reveal to them My name and My word; that will be enough. Before we proceed, I will need a sacrifice to cleanse Heaven of the treachery of this war. It will be a sacrifice great enough to pay for My children who did not fight for My honor. A sacrifice to silence the Accuser so he will never be able to point a finger of accusation at My children again.”

“Father, we know this rebellion is a rejection of Your decision to choose Me as Your Son. I will become Your sacrifice. It will be My offering to prove My love for You, My God.” Jesus fell to His knees and leaned against the feet of His Father. He was a mild-mannered, gentle soul. God had poured every treasure of Heaven into Him, but He wore His power so well, no one could really tell. “You chose Me to become Your Only Begotten Son, and I choose to be slain as Your sacrifice of love: and let it be done on the Earth as it will be in Heaven.”

“It is done. Put the plans in place and let us begin. The slaughter of My Son will be first, then we will create the Earth...